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How to Capture Fans for Your Facebook Fan Page During an Event

April 9, 2012
5 mins Read

Facebook is one of the most powerful tools for reaching the consumer, so far an undisputed fact. Think of the last event you attended, as you walk through the event, you may notice signs everywhere asking you to ‘like us on Facebook’. But do you? Making the request is great; however this request may not trigger an action by the event attendee. With all the other activities at the event, this simple sign is lost, because it is vying for the attention of the event attendee. By creating a singular opportunity for the event attendee to act on a call-to-action to ‘like’ your brands Facebook Fan page increases the likelihood of immediate action.

Basically, make this request fun for the event attendee. That’s Keshot approach to building social media engagement at events with our FanCapture service. Our photo booths connect events to brands’ online social media profiles, providing the user of the photo booth with an opportunity to upload their pictures and videos to the brand?s Facebook (and Twitter) profiles. Our FanCapture service is seamlessly integrated into your event marketing theme with a fun call-to-action for the event attendee. Client’s like Sonic saw an increase in their fan base and custom conversation about their events. Capturing Facebook fans at your next event is easy, just add a Keshot Photo Booth.