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How Photo Mosaic Software is Shaping the Virtual Event Industry

September 3, 2020
5 mins Read

Looking Towards the Future of Virtual Events with Photo Mosaic Software

Have virtual events started to feel stale, like the same exact thing on repeat over and over again? Do you ever begin to ponder navigating away from what’s happening on the screen as a result of boredom? If so, it might be time to contemplate photo mosaic software.

Event planners currently look for the perfect tools to plan the next round of events that will take place between now and next spring. They’re likely weighing out their options. Should they consider going virtual, use a hybrid format, or keep pushing back the date of the event? Given the social distancing orders here in the United States and abroad, virtual events will remain the new normal for the foreseeable future. Moreover, the market is expected to continue to progressively grow over the coming months and years.

Virtual events maintain relatively low costs necessary and a potential high return on investment. Overall, virtual events are proven to be more cost effective than the majority of marketing campaigns. An astounding “74% of companies say that they can tie activity from virtual events to actual revenue.95% of companies also say that virtual events improve overall marketing performance.

Now, event planners must evaluate the best methods to accomplish their goals. As such, there are three important factors to consider. First, what is the right tool? Second, which ones best drive engagement? Third, what tools will properly support them to utilize and interpret data? When considering these questions, there are justifiable reasons why a photo mosaic generator might be a powerful answer.

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How Photo Mosaic Software Provides Networking Opportunities

When searching for the right tool, it’s important that it properly accommodates for ample networking opportunities. You want to ensure that attendees can conveniently locate each other during and after the event. Showcasing participants’ photos and information, a photo mosaic generator makes it easy for them to find one another. As a result, they experience easy access to networking opportunities. Attendees don’t need to move between sessions or booths, so virtual events are often faster paced than in person events. As a result, it is often easier to form connections. Technology also makes it easy to attendees to record important data or information right to their computer or tablet.

Considerations Around the Future of the Event Industry

When considering the future of events, it’s also important to consider why people choose to attend events in the first place. Event-goers often look to gain access to a highly transformative or useful experience for themselves and their own lives. People want to be engaged, empowered, and lit up inside. They want to heighten their curiosity, excitement, and knowledge about a particular subject.

Why Photo Mosaic Software Boosts Engagement

When you want to increase engagement around the actual event itself, it’s vital to consider your target audience. In a recent survey, 92 percent of attendees reported an expressed desire to attend the Q&A session at the end. However, only 23% actually stayed. Therefore, it’s important to grab the attendee’s attention and create an emotional bond from day one. A highly personalized, immersive experience, a photo mosaic software delivers a highly personal touch. A photo mosaic generator also serves as a digital keepsake that can stay with attendees long after the event. The result is hopefully long term brand trust and loyalty.

Develop Engaging Content with a Photo Mosaic Generator

There are several useful tips that will help pique your audience’s interest. One way is to develop exciting content. Photo mosaic software delivers a visually appealing experience that powerfully showcases a brand’s narrative. Photo mosaic software or an event photo sharing website also provides a highly interactive and immersive experience. It will immediately create a sense of connection between the event itself and its audience. Moreover, a photo mosaic generator maintains many uses and can easily be integrated into the infrastructure of a virtual event. It can be used as part of the registration process or integrated into the waiting room or breakout session for an event.

Interactive programming is also proven to improve engagement at virtual events. You can then add games such as a scavenger hunt or trivia to your photo mosaic generator. The result is dynamic, interactive programming. In turn, this will only further strengthen the quality of your virtual event.

How an Event Photo Sharing Website Captures Data

In 2017, The Economist published an article about how data is the new oil. Virtual events provide much more accurate and useful data than in person events. The data collected can then aid companies to gain insights that can further help them nurture hot leads. Companies frequently hold events as part of their marketing strategy. This assists them to connect with their target demographic and gain access to data to inform future business decisions. The majority of marketers (31%) believe that events are the single most effective marketing channel. Online events allow for easy tracking so you can gain access to attendee data. Photo mosaic software easily collects this data and makes it presentable through a user interface so companies can use it to inform future business decisions.

Integrate Sponsorship Opportunities with Photo Mosaic Software

Sponsors are one of the most lucrative and powerful revenue streams for virtual events. Therefore, virtual events ought to incorporate as many sponsorship opportunities as possible. This will ensure a sustainable long-term business model. A photo mosaic generator incorporates a wide array of sponsorship opportunities when used as part of an effective marketing strategy. A sponsored event sharing wall would include the sponsor’s branding and assets. Sponsorship activations can then be easily assimilated into a virtual event through the registration process, a hosted breakout session, or a waiting room. This will deliver an immersive brand activation that attendees will simply not forget.

Why Photo Mosaic Software is Proven to Work

In conclusion, we should expect to watch virtual events continue to boom over the coming months and years. Photo mosaic software provides many of the benefits of virtual events while simultaneously also combating many challenges it currently faces.

If you’re interested in learning how Keshot can support your next virtual event leveraging compelling and innovative photo mosaic software, contact us today!