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Why Email Marketing is Not Dead

February 25, 2013
5 mins Read

Think ‘email marketing’ has gone the way of the dinosaurs? Think again. With the rise of social media and mobile marketing many believe that email is no longer worth the inbox it rode in on. Meanwhile, industry-leading marketers continue to use email marketing as an important part of their strategy. They know that social media has made email an even more powerful content marketing approach.

This is because email is a platform that delivers your brand’s message in the form of a much more personal conversation. It is a direct line of communication between you and your target audience, directly moving conversions to sales. Plus, it is tremendously cost effective, practically paying for itself with a ROI of around 4,300% (according to the Direct Marketing Association).

When someone mentions email marketing, one terrible word comes to mind for many people, spam. While it’s true that when done badly, email can be a waste of time, not to mention become annoying to potential customers. But if you’re doing it right, you’re offering something of value to your recipients that deepens your relationship and promotes trust in your brand. To achieve this, follow established and time-tested email marketing best practices like those outlined in the infographic below. According to Copyblogger, the three most essential are:

  1. Create an effective subject line to get your message opened
  2. Engage with respondents with your personal, distinctive voice to get your message read
  3. Develop high-quality, niche specific content that your prospect needs and shares, inspiring referrals and word-of-mouth

Currently, there are many email marketing software programs that allow you to easily create, send and track your messages. Programs like Mailchimp and Constant Contact give you access to customizable templates and can also help you to promote your email campaign on social media.

Also, many social media tools can help you to collect and build email lists. For instance, the Keshot social media photo booth features the option to not only allow your guests to take a memorable photo and share it on social media at marketing events, but also to input their email address, which is collected in a secure database that your marketing team can use for future promotions and engagement.

Using email, as well as social and mobile marketing, will enable you to create a relationship with your customer that establishes familiarity. Once they know, like and trust you the more they will spread the word about your business and the more it will grow!